Whale AK3706 Service Kit - Whale Gusher 10 Mk2 and 3 Neoprene

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Our price£44.47 RRP£54.56

AK3706 Service Kit ~ Whale Gusher 10 Mk2 and 3 Neoprene for on deck installations ~ Diaphragm, Valves and Fixings
Whale Gusher 10 Mk.2 and 3 Service Kit AK3706
Service kit with complete set of serviceable parts for the Gusher 10 Mk.2 and Mk.3 pumps
Qty Containing
2 Valve Mk 2 pump only
4 Screw 3/8 inch
4 Screw 1/2 inch
2 Bridge piece
1 Diaphragm
1 Buffer
2 Valve Mk 3 pump only
1 Gasket Mk 3 pump only