TruDesign Vented Loop White 38mm 90323
Vented Loops
Vented loops with hose fittings can stop the dangerous siphoning back of fluids from tank to tank or into
toilets and small engine cooling systems. The TruDesign Vented Loop is the only siphon ~break fitting
with no restriction through the entire internal diameter.
Used in:
Toilet discharge applications
Toilet inlet applications
Bilge pump outlet overboard
Genset or small engine inlet cooling water systems
Air conditioners
Ballast tanks
Made of corrosion ~resistant composite material which prevents degradation and leaks that occur
with cheaper material products.
The simple one ~way breather valve at the top of the vented loop allows air to enter the line when not in use,
thereby preventing siphoning ~ and yet seals when water or waste
Vented loops with hose fittings can stop the dangerous siphoning back of fluids from tank to tank or into
toilets and small engine cooling systems. The TruDesign Vented Loop is the only siphon ~break fitting
with no restriction through the entire internal diameter.
Used in:
Toilet discharge applications
Toilet inlet applications
Bilge pump outlet overboard
Genset or small engine inlet cooling water systems
Air conditioners
Ballast tanks
Made of corrosion ~resistant composite material which prevents degradation and leaks that occur
with cheaper material products.
The simple one ~way breather valve at the top of the vented loop allows air to enter the line when not in use,
thereby preventing siphoning ~ and yet seals when water or waste

TruDesign Vented Loop White 38mm 90323
Our price£29.99