Torqeedo Weedless Prop for the 1103 & 603 Travel motors

REF: TZ1972-00
In stock
Our price£99.00

Torqeedo Optional Weedless Propeller
Suits Travel 1103 Std or long Shaft also fits Travel 603S and Ultralight 1103AC
Standard fitment on all the above models which have been made 2019 onwards

2 blade
Variable pitch variable camber VPVC propeller developed especially for the torque characteristic and performance range of Torqeedo motors. Made of impact ~resistant glass ~fibre reinforced PBT polybutylene terepgthalate, complete with nut, washers and drive pin.

v10/p1100 Weedless

1972 ~00

Note. There is also a standard prop for the 1103 and 603 . Pt No for the original fitment prop is 1973 ~00