Reliefband Seasick Remedy Watch - Motion Sickness Control
ReliefBand is a drug free way to control the debilitating symptoms of travel sickness,
whether by air, sea, road or rail.
Since the ReliefBand was first introduced in the UK thousands of yachtsmen have benefited.
Customers converted to the ReliefBand include acupuncture enthusiasts delighted to
relieve their sea ~sickness with a non drug product to dyed ~inthe ~ wool sceptics astonished
at the effectiveness of the device.
Working on an acupressure point this clinical product from the US was designed to relieve
the nausea that comes with morning sickness and during chemotherapy. It also relieves all
kinds of motion sickness including seasickness. What’s more, you need not wear it all the
time just put it on when you start to feel sick and within 15 to 20 minutes you will feel the
benefit. The scientific research indicates that more than 90 percent of users experience a
relief in their motion ~sickness. However, not one single customer has reported that it has
not worked for their seasickness in the last five years. The ReliefBand is CE marked and
cleared for over ~the ~counter ~ non prescription sales for the relief of motion sickness
and morning sickness.
Worn like a watch on the underside of the wrist, it emitsgentle electrical signals that
interfere with the nerve activity that cause nausea. This stimulation blocks nausea/vomiting
messages between the brain and stomach. Five power levels assure the right amount of stimulation.
Because it is not a drug, users will not suffer the headache, drowsiness, dizziness or other side
Drug ~free treatment for sea and travel sickness
Approved by EU and US Food and Drug Administration FDA
No drug like side effects
Use before or after symptoms begin
No restrictions on food, beverages or use with other medications
You can feel it working!
Please note this product is not be used if you have a pacemaker fitted.
Replaceable Coin Cell Batteries 2 ~ Last approximately 150 hours.
Includes a travel case and 10ml tube of conductivity gel.
FDA 510k K020180
whether by air, sea, road or rail.
Since the ReliefBand was first introduced in the UK thousands of yachtsmen have benefited.
Customers converted to the ReliefBand include acupuncture enthusiasts delighted to
relieve their sea ~sickness with a non drug product to dyed ~inthe ~ wool sceptics astonished
at the effectiveness of the device.
Working on an acupressure point this clinical product from the US was designed to relieve
the nausea that comes with morning sickness and during chemotherapy. It also relieves all
kinds of motion sickness including seasickness. What’s more, you need not wear it all the
time just put it on when you start to feel sick and within 15 to 20 minutes you will feel the
benefit. The scientific research indicates that more than 90 percent of users experience a
relief in their motion ~sickness. However, not one single customer has reported that it has
not worked for their seasickness in the last five years. The ReliefBand is CE marked and
cleared for over ~the ~counter ~ non prescription sales for the relief of motion sickness
and morning sickness.
Worn like a watch on the underside of the wrist, it emitsgentle electrical signals that
interfere with the nerve activity that cause nausea. This stimulation blocks nausea/vomiting
messages between the brain and stomach. Five power levels assure the right amount of stimulation.
Because it is not a drug, users will not suffer the headache, drowsiness, dizziness or other side
Drug ~free treatment for sea and travel sickness
Approved by EU and US Food and Drug Administration FDA
No drug like side effects
Use before or after symptoms begin
No restrictions on food, beverages or use with other medications
You can feel it working!
Please note this product is not be used if you have a pacemaker fitted.
Replaceable Coin Cell Batteries 2 ~ Last approximately 150 hours.
Includes a travel case and 10ml tube of conductivity gel.
FDA 510k K020180

Reliefband Seasick Remedy Watch - Motion Sickness Control
Our price£121.44