Morris Meg Antifreeze 1 Litre
MEG Mono~Ethylene Glycol Anti~freeze protects engines from frost damage right down to minus 36°C, whilst providing outstanding protection against rust and corrosion for all parts of the cooling system.
Protects from rust or corrosion to taking place with cast iron, aluminium, copper alloys, solder or any other metals
Does not form sediment, precipitate additives or form gels
No adverse effects on rubber hoses or gasket materials and will not cause leaks
Last for up to two years in service, when a 50 percent solution is maintained
Does not form harmful foam inside the system
Compatible with all good quality ethylene glycol antifreezes of this type
Nitrite, amine and phosphate NAP free
Includes borate and silicate
Suitable for most engine cooling systems found in boats, cars, vans, trucks, agricultural equipment and contractors plant.
NOTE: Always check the manufacturer's handbook.
Exceeds the requirements of many European and International Standards including: ASTM D3306, SAE J 1034, BS 6580 2010.
Recommended for all year round use, Universal Antifreeze protects all water cooled engines from frost damage down to minus 34ºC and ice damage minus 50ºC at 50 percent of total coolant.
Physical Characteristics
Appearance: Blue
Relative Density at 15°C: 1.119
Equilibrium Reflux Boiling Point: 161°C
pH at 25°C 50 percent vol: 7.8
Water Content percent: 5.0 max
Reserve Alkalinity, 0.1N HCl: 20.5
Protects from rust or corrosion to taking place with cast iron, aluminium, copper alloys, solder or any other metals
Does not form sediment, precipitate additives or form gels
No adverse effects on rubber hoses or gasket materials and will not cause leaks
Last for up to two years in service, when a 50 percent solution is maintained
Does not form harmful foam inside the system
Compatible with all good quality ethylene glycol antifreezes of this type
Nitrite, amine and phosphate NAP free
Includes borate and silicate
Suitable for most engine cooling systems found in boats, cars, vans, trucks, agricultural equipment and contractors plant.
NOTE: Always check the manufacturer's handbook.
Exceeds the requirements of many European and International Standards including: ASTM D3306, SAE J 1034, BS 6580 2010.
Recommended for all year round use, Universal Antifreeze protects all water cooled engines from frost damage down to minus 34ºC and ice damage minus 50ºC at 50 percent of total coolant.
Physical Characteristics
Appearance: Blue
Relative Density at 15°C: 1.119
Equilibrium Reflux Boiling Point: 161°C
pH at 25°C 50 percent vol: 7.8
Water Content percent: 5.0 max
Reserve Alkalinity, 0.1N HCl: 20.5

Morris Meg Antifreeze 1 Litre
Our price£6.95