JDC Skywatch Wind - Red - Pocket Wind and Temperature Gauge
The Skywatch Wind measures wind speed, air temperature and wind ~chill rapidly and accurately. Small enough to
bring anywhere, insensitive to dust and shock with a user ~replaceable propeller, the newest member of the JDC
family is designed and manufactured in Switzerland.
Data Displayed
1. Wind speed
2. Maximum wind speed
3. Lifetime maximum wind speed
4. Air temperature
Wind measurement
Units of measurement km/h, mph, m/s, fps, knots and Beaufort
Resolution to the tenth decimal place up to 99.9, then to the unit
Precision + / ~ 3 percent FS
Range of measurement from 3 to 185 km/h
Air temperature
Units of measurement degrees C and degrees F
Resolution to one ~tenth of a degree
Measurement cycle one measurement every 0.5 seconds
Precision + / ~ 0.3 degreees C at 20 degrees C / + / ~ 0.5 degrees C from ~30 at +70 degrees C
Range of measurement from ~30 degrees C to +70 degrees C
Dimensions : 41 x 109 x 17 mm
Weight: 30 g
High ~contrast LCD display
Waterproof IP67 and floats
Factory ~installed lithium battery ~ designed for at least 250,000 measurements
Automatic switch ~off
Two years warranty
Beaufort wind bar ~graph
bring anywhere, insensitive to dust and shock with a user ~replaceable propeller, the newest member of the JDC
family is designed and manufactured in Switzerland.
Data Displayed
1. Wind speed
2. Maximum wind speed
3. Lifetime maximum wind speed
4. Air temperature
Wind measurement
Units of measurement km/h, mph, m/s, fps, knots and Beaufort
Resolution to the tenth decimal place up to 99.9, then to the unit
Precision + / ~ 3 percent FS
Range of measurement from 3 to 185 km/h
Air temperature
Units of measurement degrees C and degrees F
Resolution to one ~tenth of a degree
Measurement cycle one measurement every 0.5 seconds
Precision + / ~ 0.3 degreees C at 20 degrees C / + / ~ 0.5 degrees C from ~30 at +70 degrees C
Range of measurement from ~30 degrees C to +70 degrees C
Dimensions : 41 x 109 x 17 mm
Weight: 30 g
High ~contrast LCD display
Waterproof IP67 and floats
Factory ~installed lithium battery ~ designed for at least 250,000 measurements
Automatic switch ~off
Two years warranty
Beaufort wind bar ~graph

JDC Skywatch Wind - Red - Pocket Wind and Temperature Gauge
Our price£49.10