International Thinners No.3 500ml - Antifoul Thinners

REF: AF5-60904
In stock
Our price£10.18 RRP£12.19

Thinner No.3 is suitable for thinning Antifoulings, Bottom Coatings and other Special Paints such as Micron Extra, Micron CSC, Micron WQ, Cruiser Premium,
Cruiser Superior, Cruiser, Cruiser Future/Eco, Interspeed Extra Strong, Interspeed Ultra, Prima, Trilux, Soft Antifouling, Boatgard, Waterways, Fabi, CT
Kobberstoff, Waterways Future/Fabi Eco, Veridian Tiecoat, Veridian Topcoat, Primocon, Motorfarg and Interstrip AF. Suitable for equipment cleaning in
association with all of the above products and also for Micron Optima, Micron Future/Eco and Lago Racing II. Colour YTA085
Specific Gravity 0.875
Typical Shelf Life 2 yrs
VOC As Supplied 875 g/lt