International Micron 350 Antifoul Red 2.5L
Micron 350 is a premium antifouling, offering outstanding 2-year protection in all conditions. A new formulation ensures truer colours, while Self-Polishing Copolymer technology delivers consistent performance. Effective against fouling organisms, slime, aquatic plants and animals. A Premium Self Polishing Copolymer SPC antifouling suitable for professional and consumer application onto vessels in fresh and salt water.
The continuously polishing system provides up to 2 years performance, avoiding paint build up. The eversmoothing surface ensures that drag is always minimised whilst maintaining optimum biocide release including in stationary periods.
Can be used on the following substrates:
Carbon Fibre
Cast Iron
Recommended Number of Coats 2-3
Practical Coverage - 9 m²/L
Finish ~ Low Sheen
Thinners - No. 3
Specific Gravity ~ 2.2 average
Volume Solids ~ 62 percent average
Typical Shelf Life ~ 2 yrs
VOC As Supplied 333 g/lt average
VOC EU Solvent 153g/kg EU Solvent Emissions Directive Council Directive 1999/13/EC
Colours Available:
YBB623 Black
YBB624 Navy
YBB625 Blue
YBB626 Green
YBB647 Dark Grey ~ See Micron 300
YBB628 Dover White
YBB629 Red