Hempel Eco Power Prop and Out Drive Spray Antifoul 19990 Black 500ml
Biocide free spray paint that keeps that keeps propellers, outdrives and sterngear free from fouling and making it very easy to clean.
An advanced binder technology controls the self ~renewing effect throughout the season.
Technical Data
Re ~coat Time ~ Minimum: 30mins at 20 degrees C
Immersion ~ Min 24 hrs, Max 6 Months at 20 degrees C
Available in Black and Grey
An advanced binder technology controls the self ~renewing effect throughout the season.
Technical Data
Re ~coat Time ~ Minimum: 30mins at 20 degrees C
Immersion ~ Min 24 hrs, Max 6 Months at 20 degrees C
Available in Black and Grey

Hempel Eco Power Prop and Out Drive Spray Antifoul 19990 Black 500ml
Our price£24.06