Hempel Brilliant Enamel Gloss 750ml - Marine Green 46121

REF: MTH53200-46121-750ML
Delivery 3-5 Days
Our price£24.66 RRP£30.82

Hempels Brilliant Gloss is flexible, resistant to salt water and pollutants, and has excellent colour retention as
well as giving your boat exceptional, long lasting brightness. It is a one pack high gloss silicone alkyd topcoat
which is suitable for interior and exterior use above the waterline.

Brilliant Gloss contains an effective combination of UV filters to protect your boat from the sun and the harsh
marine environment.

Preparation and Applications
Ensure all surfaces are clean, oil free and dry
Clean with Pre Clean
Rinse with fresh water and allow to dry
Abrade to remove loose matter and key surface, remove dust using a vacuum cleaner
Stir all products well before use
If over coating times are exceeded, abrade the surface and wash off with fresh water

On a previously coated surface
Abrade to remove loose matter and to provide a suitable key
Remove all dust
Prime with Primer Undercoat
Apply 2 or 3 coats of Brilliant Gloss

On a previously uncoated surface
Abrade to remove loose matter and to provide a suitable key
Remove all dust
Apply one coat of Primer Undercoat
Apply first coat of Brilliant Gloss thinned by 5 to 10 percent
Apply 1 or 2 coats of undiluted Brilliant Gloss

Stir well before use Application method of Brush, Pad, Roller, Spray Thinners No.811 for Brush, Pad or Roller up to max 5 percent.
Thinners No. 808 for Airless spray by 5 percent, Air spray by 10 to 15 percent Minimum application temperature of 5 degrees C to 40
degrees C Coverage of 11m2 per litre