Digital Yacht Navlink 2 NMEA 2000 To Wifi Gateway

Delivery 3-5 Days
Our price£198.90 RRP£234.00

NavLink 2 is an easy to fit NMEA2000 to WiFi server designed to make NMEA2000 navigation data
available for apps on smartphones, tablets, iPads and PCs.

NMEA 2000 to WiFi server
Self powered from NMEA 2000 bus – fits in seconds
Supports TCP/IP and UDP connection modes
Provides AIS, navigation and instrument data to apps
Compatible with all popular apps like iNavX, TimeZero, Weather 4D, Navionics, SailGrib, NavLink,
iSailor, SeaPilot, AquaMap etc
Up to 7 connected devices
Compatible with Windows, Linux, MAC OS, iOS and Android
Easy web interface for programming
Password protected
Can act as dedicated wireless server or rather can connect to an existing wireless network
Diagnostic data display mode and LED status lights
Internal hi gain WiFi antenna
Super ~fast 230KBs operation
Optional raw data mode for developers and likewise advanced users
Supplied with NMEA 2000 cable

NavLink 2 is an easy to fit NMEA 2000 to Wifi server designed so that NMEA 2000 navigation data
can be made available for apps on smartphones, tablets, iPads and PCs. Installation takes seconds
as a result of direction connection to the NMEA 2000 back bone and self ~powered from the data network.

Once installed, it creates a local WiFi network for devices to connect or can be programmed to join
an existing wireless network if one is already installed. This is ideal for devices like the Furuno
wireless radar which require operation through their own dedicated network but require NMEA 2000 data
integration for charting apps.

NavLink 2 now works with the popular Navionics Boating App for Apple iOS and Android. Therefore allowing
display of GPS and AIS data on your Navionics charts.