Bainbridge Aquabatten Leech Tapered Glass Batten 1000 x 15mm
A laminated pre ~preg glass epoxy batten using a multiple pre ~preg scrim layup with the taper built within the layup,
ensuring that the outer surfaces are complete from end to end ~ no exposed glass fibre.
Increased durablity due to hydrophobic epoxy resin systems ensuring the designed weight and strength.
pre ~preg scrim is bi ~directional to prevent the batten from twisting from torque.
EI numbers for all battens give the specific stiffness which corresponds to Sail Design program FEA output.
Range covers dinghies all the way to 60 foot yachts.
Colour Grey/Red/Grey
EI 1 NM2
Length of Max Thickness 40 %
Material Glass
Shape Rectoid
Thickness Outer 3 MM
Thickness Tip 1 MM
Width 15 MM
ensuring that the outer surfaces are complete from end to end ~ no exposed glass fibre.
Increased durablity due to hydrophobic epoxy resin systems ensuring the designed weight and strength.
pre ~preg scrim is bi ~directional to prevent the batten from twisting from torque.
EI numbers for all battens give the specific stiffness which corresponds to Sail Design program FEA output.
Range covers dinghies all the way to 60 foot yachts.
Colour Grey/Red/Grey
EI 1 NM2
Length of Max Thickness 40 %
Material Glass
Shape Rectoid
Thickness Outer 3 MM
Thickness Tip 1 MM
Width 15 MM

Bainbridge Aquabatten Leech Tapered Glass Batten 1000 x 15mm
Our price£12.22