Attwood Turbo Bilge Blower Turbo 3000 12v 76mm Water Resistant 1733-4

REF: MT1733-1
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Our price£23.68 RRP£27.86

The first vane axial ~flow fan bilge blower designed using aerospace technology to maximize performance. No other bilge blowers in the industry provide such powerful system output at such a low power input in a compact size. Patented in ~line design ~ provides ventilation for engine compartments, galleys, bilges, and heads. Mounting feet allow vertical or horizontal installation in confined spaces. Install with number 10 fasteners. Individual carton includes 2 tie straps. All are CE certified. 16 ~gauge tinned and caulked copper wire leads with optional MP1 molded rubber connectors. Improved 3 inch design includes: Nickel ~plated motor can for corrosion resistance
Stiffening ribs to reduce housing distortion
Motor cap to seal wires and motor for water resistance
Five ~blade fan maximize airflow and efficiency
Tabs in intake and exhaust hold ventilation hose/ clamp firmly in place
Low amp draw motor for longer blower and battery life
Built ~in mounting feet allow easy vertical or horizontal install
3 Year Warranty